Celebration of Kind Works

“Planting Seeds of Kindness”


Kind Works is thrilled to celebrate the remarkable kind work that is consistently expressed by our community at large by recognizing several extraordinary individuals at our annual Celebration of Kind Works. These special individuals will be selected after being nominated during a public application process that encourages community involvement. We are eager to honor two individuals who have made a significant impact on others and are truly making a difference in their community through their kindness.

The categories for recognition are:

  • Adult Kindness Champion - This award honors an individual adult or business that is making a positive difference in their community.

  • Student Kindness Champion - This award recognizes a K-12 student who has demonstrated exemplary kindness.

A special ceremony will take place during our Celebration of Kind Works on May 22nd where we will honor these deserving awardees.

If you know someone in your community who is making a difference through their acts of kindness, please take a few moments to fill out the application below and nominate them for this wonderful recognition.

Kindness Award Application